Tuesday, November 9, 2010

(WIP)ped ( its a rant, watch out!)

So many works in progress, so little time.  Because of some pople ( no names) we have been set WAAAAAY back in a certain class. Ive been working tirelessly on a project for said class, and it has recently put on pause.  I'm trying to improve my technical drawing skills, but its really been hit and miss with the it due to lack of sleep.  (Its a lot harder to concentrate) 

I have here some works in progress, and one sketch from MICA that I dug up.  I didnt think it was all that good until i looked back at it.  I really like it now, so i decided to post it because it made me feel happy. 

Im kind of bummed about my not being able to get a portfolio review from RISD, the seniors keep bumping me off the lists :( Sometimes they dont even tell me. * sniffle*  anyway, i really look forward to my next review, this time maybe ill plan for it better.( I didnt know that they took down the lists to give to the reps so i just assumed it was cancelled and i didnt really have any good work to show the rep last time)  Ive really begun to look more into concept, so for the piece with the crazy-slanted ground plane i did a psychoanalysis of sorts. Tried to use the implications of color as well as different textures.  In the critique in class, they suggested that i not make the ground plane so annoying and to pay more attention to the direction of the marks.  Nobody really liked the ground halo either so i have a lot of work to do this weekend *sniff*   It was also suggested that i work bigger. PAUSE OK guise, heres the deal, MICHAELS WAS HAVING A SALE ON CANVASSES. i was just taking advantage of that :)  

Im really reluctant to start working bigger because i often see other people's bigger work and its like...eh.  I feel like i have more control over the events in the piece when its smaller. * sigh* 

Alright, moving on, so this little sketch is another WIP for that project in ID that i was talking about earlier ( if anyones read this far, youre awesome, i love you)  It will be one of hopefully three on this page.  Im afraid that the figure is coming out too flat like i dont want her to look like a plane, i want her to look like she exists in space, but im having some trouble with that.  We're designing a travel bag by the way,  so its an airport and all that fun stuff.  So anyway, the bag is not done.  Once it is, i was hoping to extend the pink/orange/red into the bag too to show that it fits your personality no matter who you are.  ( Thats the idea, to color code figures and bag based on their personality. ) Comment if youre into pac man tattoos!! ,

Im hoping that i can improve in that class. Ive been working really hard, but i know that i have a long way to go.  Once I complete the two point that has been giving me so much grief ill post it.  It's not that i havent finished it, its already been two weeks, come on! its that my final products are unsatisfactory and i think that i need to work on the way that i handle my pencil, especially with such technical drawings.   if lines get too dark, then the final product is invisible, if lines are too light then i cant prove the existence of the final product.  So its all a question of how much attention i pay to my lines.   I think by the end of this my drawings skills will improve exponentially.  

Pictures are up top if youre lookin' for 'em

Friday, October 15, 2010

In deep doodoo

Why? Because theres so much sh**to do i'm practically swimming in it. (Not that I have any problem with it!)
Well....lets see...its been a while mostly because I've been waiting to get some projects finalized (and when i do i promise ill post it asap...assuming the 3 people who subscribed to my blog are interested at all...)  So anyway...heres some more WIP's (they're just piling up like crazy but I'm finalizing stuff this weekend and the next so no biggie!)  Going to post up some ID work once the project is done and I'm working on 2 side projects: one is a backdrop for a play and another is a poster based off the Gashlycrumb Tinies by Edward Gorey. Which im REALLY REALLY REALLY looking forward to!  Other than that its all been endless work and stuff...good thing i'm not a party person!

Ok! so here's the stuff:

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My First Moleskine

Wow, I cant believe i ever lived without it.  These sketchbooks are the most wonderful things in the history of the world.   OOOK so here are a few pages im working on
AAAAND i've started to look into scholarships.  Im so upset so many scholarships require you to write an essay...i dont have much time for that!!!!!

Experimenting with graphite, pens of contrasting color and needle and thread.

Friday, September 24, 2010


got my first sort of restful sleep this week at the cost of my SAT class, but w/e. And i did a lot more work on the painting so here it is:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Quick Update

Jesus.  I wont lie its exciting to be challenged, but im so tired. ALL THE TIME. 

School, family, and AN SAT PREP CLASS FROM HADES have been dominating my life lately. 
Ok, so this week i have here another WIP (it seems like the only thing i ever have to show is progress, lol)

AAAAANYWAY....  this is an assignment due thursday.  Another acrylic over oil.  Its taking me FOREVER.   

The assignment was a perfect opportunity for me to be able to paint a scene that was important to me.  Ive always wanted to paint this a specific way, and now that I'm in the process of doing it i'm so happy. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


oK! this year has finally gotten STARTED! The sleepless nights have begun and surprisingly, im totally cool with it :)

Well. One thing i should tell the (i dont even know, like 2 people?) who have visited my blog is that until i am able to get a good camera that takes clean stable pictures im going to be uploading some blurry stuff.  uhhh... Im currently working on 2 paintings, one in oil and one in oila and acrylic.  I think the pure oil one is really going to help me out with color.  Im learning to define skin tones by breaking them up into layers.  And since oil dries slowly its easier for me to analyze each layer of color i put in.  Palatte count: 2 so far.  
The more colorful painting has been sitting around for a while now.  Its supposed to be me as a drop of ink in water dissolving into colors, but thats going to take a while to complete.  Hopefully i'll get a chance to finish it by the end of holida break .  The last thing im uploading is some homework.  its nothing special, but i did learn how to use chalk pastel a lot better.  Ummmm...what else...uh....well its not done. i can say that for sure.  The background definitely needs some work and i need to define the darks better in the foreground.  I think i killed it but i dont know where...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Post!

Well, I'm not exactly unfamiliar with blogging, but I feel like I need to do this in order to keep track of my progress throughout the year. 

So, with that out of the way...

Its the start of the 10-11 school year.  One year until the supposed end of the world.  Blah. I don't know what to believe.  When I was little, I used to have dreams of myself in college talking to my six or so year old self about how life was hard but look, here I am! There is where you'll be soon! Keep moving forward Lian!

So here I am, in the 11th grade.  Almost there. Maybe while I'm in college a wormhole will open up and ill actually be able to talk to my little girl self.  Not likely, but a pretty awesome possibility.

Anyway, this is the first week of school like i said.  We got our first assignment for ID (Industrial Design).  Really looking forward to it.  We have to design a travel bag.  Personally i think i outdid myself with the research.  I found an experimental type of biodegradable nylon that could replace ballistic nylon as a material used in travel bags so that was a pretty interesting discovery.  Ill definitely post pictures once I'm done with this project.  I also might upload some pictures of the summer assignment.

The crit of our summer work in AP Drawing and Painting went pretty well. I think I'm really going to enjoy that class.  Everyone seems to have improved so much over the summer i feel a little inferior :O BUT I SHALL NOT STAND FOR FEELINGS OF INFERIORITY!!!! I SHALL RISE ABOVE THE REST LIKE THE FAT IN MILK!
(whoooo akward statement)