Monday, April 11, 2011

...prepare yourself

for the largest image dump you have EVER experienced.  (not really, but my computer decided it liked me again.)

Self Portrait using a hand mirror in ink.

Ink on Vellum with red string.

Colored Pencil on Illustration Board

Acrylic Speed Painting (20 min)

Acrylic Speed Painting (50 min)

Water Mixable oil/oil on heavily gessoed Canvas

Oil on Canvas with old T-shirts

Oil on Masonite
(Background pattern was made by burning the took AGES. next time i do something like this i swear i'l' use plywood instead.)

Graphite on Newsprint

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Thank you so much ( A two in one.)

On the off chance that a college rep visits this site, I wanted to say thank you for your time on portfolio day.
What you said really inspired me to try something new and to put even more effort into my work from here on out.

So, without further ado, i would like to present a work in progress.
Though the figure is  from a photograph, i did a couple figure studies and color studies before starting her, meaning its only to remind me of the facial structure and colors.

the elements in this piece are a bit patchwork because i have to make do with what i have to work with.
meaning, the model was photographed separately from her surroundings.

UPDATE!!! ( Because of computer problems this will be two posts in one)

Working on another colored pencil piece.
Thank you for modeling for me!!!!
WIll upload pics when my computer decides to love me again.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Its been too long. ++++ new update!!!+++++

Got a gold key in scholastics on one of my pieces so I guess it's going to nationals...maybe?
Check back a few weeks to see it I guess...its the walking boy.  

My brother was nice enough to allow himself to become a moving model :)

Is been so long since my last post! Theres so much to complain about that im not even going to get into it.  My art. Thats what this thing is about.  So, I guess i should write about it.  Ok, well here goes, my art has been pretty mediocre up until this point, buti  feel like its finally starting ot take a turn for the better.  The following images are of some works in progress ive ogt going.  (one of them isnt so good, but its actually pretty monumental to me.  why? because its the first time i have ever painted a remotely accurate self portrait.)

<--  A fiasco, but an accurate self portrait

Above, Bookmaking 
This is a book i want to use on portfolio day.   (homemade from scratch and love.)
WIP painting for my concentration = first ever with water mixable oils....personally theyve got a disgusting gritty texture but at least they dont make me feel sick when i use them for an extended period of time  tHe shiny stuff is mod-podge.

So this is a still life for accumulation i did. just a bunch of random stuff i stuck in a box that spilled

Modified version of my self portrait, need to do a fixie on the floor and my foot.

First ever sorta abstract piece. anotjher version of the accumulation assignment.  Its of my room when it got really dirty and we found a dead roach floating in a bowl of curdled milk.
i need to level out the white splotch the circle with the roach in it makes.