Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Post!

Well, I'm not exactly unfamiliar with blogging, but I feel like I need to do this in order to keep track of my progress throughout the year. 

So, with that out of the way...

Its the start of the 10-11 school year.  One year until the supposed end of the world.  Blah. I don't know what to believe.  When I was little, I used to have dreams of myself in college talking to my six or so year old self about how life was hard but look, here I am! There is where you'll be soon! Keep moving forward Lian!

So here I am, in the 11th grade.  Almost there. Maybe while I'm in college a wormhole will open up and ill actually be able to talk to my little girl self.  Not likely, but a pretty awesome possibility.

Anyway, this is the first week of school like i said.  We got our first assignment for ID (Industrial Design).  Really looking forward to it.  We have to design a travel bag.  Personally i think i outdid myself with the research.  I found an experimental type of biodegradable nylon that could replace ballistic nylon as a material used in travel bags so that was a pretty interesting discovery.  Ill definitely post pictures once I'm done with this project.  I also might upload some pictures of the summer assignment.

The crit of our summer work in AP Drawing and Painting went pretty well. I think I'm really going to enjoy that class.  Everyone seems to have improved so much over the summer i feel a little inferior :O BUT I SHALL NOT STAND FOR FEELINGS OF INFERIORITY!!!! I SHALL RISE ABOVE THE REST LIKE THE FAT IN MILK!
(whoooo akward statement)